10 amazing prank websites you should try with your friends.

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy."

Hello friends, as we all know life has become too boring nowadays we all have only options in games and movies to entertain ourselves but you are wrong friends, the web is itself a new universe. So because of this pandemic I got bored and started finding some fun-based websites on the web and today I gonna share some of them with all of you. So let’s start our this post.

We all enjoy pranks until we are the host. Isn’t it? Whatever today I’m gonna share some website links so you can prank with your friends.


Friends I know we all love to watch hacking until someone hacks inside your pc or network. We love hacking because it looks cool and amazes all of us. Let imagine if your elder brother or a friend is a hacker what you will think about him? Well if my friend or brother is a hacker I will try to learn some tricks and hacks from them but if your enemy is a hacker then you should be aware of him. So this prank shows your friend or your enemy that you know how to hack and believe me if your enemy is a duffer then he is never gonna beat you😁.

Did you know?

A single cloud can weigh more than a million pounds.



Friends I really recommend you to try this prank with your friend because I tried and this prank is really my favorite and workable prank. If you won’t believe me first try yourself. Maybe you will be afraid for a while. but then you will enjoy it.


Note: This prank is a fake simulator of an operating system known as Windows XP. Most of us know about this os.


You can do this prank with your friend but I will recommend if your friend is afraid and be depressed quickly, then you really don’t have to try this prank with them. But also this a nice prank to do with your friends.


In this prank, you will see a notice on your screen that has a warning for you so go and check the prank and then share it with your friends.


Did you know?

Being ignored causes the same chemical reaction in the brain as a physical injury.

This prank is just something that blows your mind. Just imagine I have shared a link with you and when you click on it everything will disappear on screen and only you can see is raining matrix on the screen. It’s something that a normal person never imagine. They only see this type of matrix rain in movies and series.

Maybe the name of this prank will tell you which type of prank is so I'm not going to talk about this more.

This prank is very funny and time-consuming, it makes you laugh until it is gonna happen to you. This prank will make anyone very frustrating and note if he/she can’t control on their self then they can destroy their pc too so be careful when you are gonna try this.

So this is not cool as other pranks like matrix rain type or hack type but still it’s ok to entertain yourself and make someone irritated.

This is not a prank type but this is not less than a prank this is an online game and I’m not going to tell you more about this, you can go and play and share this with your friend.

This prank is not too funny but in this prank, you will see a bios setup menu for windows and you will try to make everything working normally but you are unable to make it happen and in the end, you will only get frustrated. SO if you want to make your friend frustrated try this prank. And personally, I have a very bad experience and my friend has also tried this on me and at that time I don’t know that this is just a prank and I beat a punch on my pc screen and you all can imagine what happens next. So be careful while you are pranking with others.

Did you know?

Angry people produce unique ideas faster than people in any other emotional state.

This is not like a prank but this is a 3d world of pipes, where the pipes are continuously crafting and managing their selves. So this is not like a prank but I’m sure you will love to look at this.

So this is a list of some interesting and funny website links I have found on the web you can also comment website so I can also explore some more websites.


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