Birth of the world wide web : The invention that connected the world

" Your imagination is your limt."

Friends, today we are going to talk about the World Wide Web (www). It is obvious that we all know about the World Wide Web, but if you do not know about the World Wide Web, it is okay because we will talk about the World Wide Web from the birth of the web to the present day. By the way, the concept of the World Wide Web is very short and descriptive.

Sorry friends but for a better understanding of the world wide web, you should understand the concept of the internet

This page at glance:

  1. What is the world wide web?
  2. History and Development
  3. So why Sir Tim Berners Lee need to invent the world wide web?
  4. The idea of Hypertext
  5. Summary

What is the world wide web?

The world wide web, the invention that connected the world. You know friends the internet is a huge network of computers that all are connected together, but it was the world wide web that made this technology something worked, into something that linked information together and made it accessible to everyone. Gave access to every person who has access to a web browser and an ISP(Internet Service Provider).  In short, the world wide web is a collection of web pages found on this network of computers, and guess what? your browsers use the internet to access the world wide web.

After the invention of the Internet, there are many browsers that came up like yahoo and Google, etc. Then comes up the world wide web, that invented by Sir Tim Berners Lee. In 1989, Sir Tim Berners Lee was trying to find a new way for scientists to easily share their data from their experiments, So they can share their results with other scientists, people who are interested. But accidentally he had discovered the world wide web. The world wide web is not so complicated as ARPANET(Advanced Research Projects Agency Network). Hypertext(Hypertext is a text display that links to other text readers can immediately access.) and the internet already existed, but no one had thought of a way to use the internet to link one document directly to another.

History and Development:

Tim Berners Lee had created the world wide web while he was working at CERN, the European organization for nuclear research in Switzerland. His vision is to create a space where scientists can share their information and the results of their experiments.

We know that the internet is now available and in the 1970s, US Department of Defense experts had already designed ways to connect computers and break data into packets-sending them over different pathways and joining them at the receiving end, using file transfer protocol(FTP). Now we became experts in this technology. 

Tim Berners Lee, CERN, 1990- the place where web born(source: arts&culture)

So why Time Berners lee need to invent The world wide web?

Friends as I wrote above, the internet already existed and after the invention of the internet, the US Department of Defence experts had already taken mastery in packet switching theory using File Transfer Protocol and Intenet Protocol(FTP & IP). Then what is the issue here?

Scientists in their thousands would generate information using different types of computers, languages, and search formats. Their computers cannot connect across the internet, but communication was tough, and data transfer is complex and frustrating too. So Sir Tim Berners Lee wants to make this thing simple.

Original NeXT computer used by Sir Tim Berners Lee to design  the world wide web(source: science museum)

The idea of Hypertext:

This is a very small discussion, In 1965, Ted Nelson described the concept of hypertext in his book, literary machines.

This new, nonlinear format for publishing text would allow readers to follow hyperlinks and explore linked documents. Hypertext is text on a webpage that links other webpages, documents, pdf, videos, audio, and other texts that readers can immediately and easily get access to them. 


The world wide web is just a technology that made sharing files and data easy. The world wide web uses Hypertext to link other documents like video, audio, pdf, text, etc. A common webpage is also an example of the world wide web. Even this page is an example of a world wide webpage. You will find some Hyperlinks above in this post. So according to my, there is nothing to discuss the world wide web, it's quite simple the complex thing is the internet.


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