What is VPN ? How VPN works?

"Give light and the darkness will disappear itself."

Again a topic we all have heard about, but maybe we don't know how it works? Most of us and especially teenagers uses VPNs the most. VPN is also known as Virtual Private Network.

VPN is a Virtual Private Network that works as an intermittent service between you and your host site. VPN provides a safe mode for surfing the web as it gives you privacy and data security. When used correctly, a VPN helps keep your connections secure and protects your device from prying eyes.

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220 million tons of old computers and other technological hardware are trashed in the united states each year.

What is VPN?

A VPN is a secure connection that can be made between a computer(such as a user's pc) and a protected or private corporate network(such as a campus network), using an otherwise insecure public network(such as the internet). Data that is passed over the public network is encapsulated and encrypted. So that it can't be intercepted or tampered with. Passing data through a network without letting the network actually see the data like this is a process known as tunneling. In effect, the connection works just as if the computer were connected to the protected network by its own private wire with a point-to-point direct connection. And this is the reason behind the name VPN: Virtual Private Network.

Invention and Development?

The invention of the VPN begins in 1996, At that time Microsoft employee Gurdeep Singh Pall invented PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) which allows its users t get a secure internet connection to the office so that it allows them to work from home effectively. So much like the creation of the internet that was built for military purposes and was not meant for individual users. 

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A diamond will not dissolve in acid. The only thing that can destroy it is intense heat.

How VPN works?

The term Virtual Private Network describes any technology that can encapsulate and transmit network data, typically Internet Protocol (IP) data, over another network. For example, a system enables users to access network resources that may otherwise inaccessible from the public network. VPNs are frequently used in Information Technology(IT) sector to provide access to resources for users that are not physically connected to an organization's network for example telecommunicating workers. VPNs are so named because they may be used to provide Virtual access to a private network.

When a VPN connection is made between a computer and a Lehigh VPN server, that computer essentially function s as if it were actually on campus, inside the campus firewall that protects the campus network from the internet, even though physically this is not true. This lets it access services and platform functions that an off-campus computer normally would not be able to do.

Why we use VPN?

Note that friends, not everyone needs to use VPN. Even those who need to use VPN typically do not need to use it all the time. There are specific things you need to use a VPN for. Let's took a look at some examples:

Did you know?

There is a hacker attack every 39 seconds.

  1. Accessing LAN drives: Getting to the shared network file space on the active directory from off-campus, whether this is your own "home" space (usually referred to at Lehigh as your H drive), someone else's public LAN space (he public folder within someone else's H-drive), or departmental common space (referred to at Lehigh as the I-drive.) Requires making a VPN connection.
  2. Remote desktop access: Using a personal computer from off-campus to log into your Lehigh office computers that are on camping requires making a VPN connection. Again, this is necessary, but not sufficient; you also have to have previously set up the on-campus computer to allow remote connections, and you activate have to establish that connection after you connected via VPN.
  3. Accessing hidden systems: Some systems s like the High-performance computing (HPC) systems or the Luapps virtual software service, are not directly accessible from off-campus. In order to reach them, you need to make a secure connection to a system with the Lehigh firewall first. A VPN connection is generally the easiest way to accomplish this.
  4. Enhanced library research: Lehigh's library services include not only Lehigh-owned resources that are provided by on-campus servers but also a number of resources that are provided by various external vendors. These vendors use your computer's Identity on the campus network (its IP address) to validate that you are allowed access to their resource. By making a VPN connection before accessing library resources, you ensure that your computer looks and function s as if it were on campus, including helping inter resource references (such as SFX) and other services ( like RefWorks) to work smoothly.

There are some common reasons why you should use VPN?

  1. The first reason will be to surf the web anonymously. With the encryption and the new IP address you'll have, you'll be like a ghost online! You are surfing the internet but no one has a focus on you.
  2. The second is remaining secure on the internet. Protect yourself from hackers and any other people like black hat hackers which may harm you.
  3. The second one will be overcoming Censorship and this is one of my favorite reason. You want to keep access to your favorite websites I china, UAE, Iran, and other Censored Countries? No Problem, A virtual Network Can help you.
  4. Fourth is related to torrenting, Download torrents in Point to Point(P2P) is safe and secure if you use a VPN.
  5. The fifth use of a VPN could be to unblock restricted websites. At school or at work, if a website is blocked, you'll be able to unblock it with no hassle!

Did you know?

Cybercrime is more profitable than the global illegal drug trade.


Friends, you don't think the world of invention is amazing and weird to means in the beginning the internet is discovered for military purposes only but you can see present-day the influence of the Internet. Everyone is using the internet to search for their favorite niche and explore it, same as VPN was discovered for commercial purposes only and now we are using it for whatever and whenever we need to use it. Isn't it? I love to use VPN because this allows us to surf the web anonymously but I warn you still your history means the sites you visit or the data you downloaded is still visible for your ISP and the sites you visit. There are many reasons to use VPN this is one I love the most.


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